Dedicated to raising awareness about skin and brain
cancer, instilling hope in patients and families for survival.

Discover the urgent truth: Skin Cancer is the fastest spreading type. Prioritize your
health; your skin, the body's largest organ, needs attention. Collaborating
with neurosurgeon Dr. Ellis, I aim to contribute proceeds to Lenox Hill in New
York, advancing brain cancer research and treatment.

As a stage 4 brain cancer survivor, I embark on this transformative journey with gratitude.

To those facing this challenge, remember there is HOPE!

I stand as living proof that miracles occur daily. Seize each moment!

Embark on a transformative journey with Crystal Clear by Dorothy – a haven where the realms of clarity, healing, and spiritual guidance seamlessly unite. As a brain cancer survivor, mother of 3, and certified yoga instructor, Dorothy brings a unique touch to her services. Elevate your spiritual experience with our tailored service packages, designed to meet all your needs. Unveil a path to enlightenment through Dorothy's profound offerings, and embrace the clarity that awaits your spiritual awakening. Grateful for all the universe provides, today and always.



  • I have Known Dorothy for years...

    “She is one of the most gifted and talented souls. She can connect to energies in the most miraculous way which allows for spiritual wisdom to come through her for you. It's a gift that cannot be explained. Her readings are transformative. Her ability to communicate with animals and the beyond is miraculous. She helped my family through the unimaginable tragic loss of one of our pets. This loss brought me to my knees. I landed in my dark night of the soul period. Dorothy and her gifts helped me to find a way out. There is nobody like her. She is humble, generous, and gifted beyond words. I recommend her.” – Jen, New Rochelle NY

  • Hesitation...

    "Despite initial hesitation, I heeded recommendations and engaged in a remarkable over-the-phone session with Crystal Clear by Dorothy. The experience brought profound relief, as if burdens lifted, affirming that my life decisions were on point. In an unexpected twist, Dorothy connected with my late grandfather, offering specific details that left no doubt about his presence. Though not seeking a spiritual connection initially, the unexpected bond with my grandad proved invaluable. Dorothy's abilities exceed expectations, delivering both guidance and lasting reassurance."
    — Asha D., Los Angeles, CA

  • Always spiritually and emotionally available...

    “Dorothy has helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life. Her ability to ready my energy and give advice is unparalleled. She is so generous with her gifts and I’ve found so much peace in listening to my angels and ancestors through her. She is deeply caring and a natural maternal figure. I value her input in big life decisions—she’s like this angelic therapist and goes above and beyond for her clients. I never miss an opportunity to talk her up to my friends who are experiencing life changes and need some spiritual help to navigate them. In fact, when I share my troubles or positive experiences with my friends, some of them actually say, “Well, what does Dorothy say?” She is a mentor, friend, and very talented energy worker and medium." -Kristin
    Dallas, TX

  • I encountered Dorothy at a Mind, Body, and Soul retreat...

    "While discussing a crystal she presented to the group, she paused and inquired about a staircase in my childhood home. Astonishingly, she proceeded to share details about my home and a spirit present there, something I had never disclosed. What followed was a mind-blowing half-hour conversation that provided remarkable clarity on aspects of my childhood. Dorothy's abilities are truly amazing." – Tracy C., Tallahassee, FL

  • Sought Guidance...

    "Amidst life's challenges and faced with a difficult decision, I sought guidance from Crystal Clear by Dorothy, as she was recommended by a friend. Dorothy's insights brought the clarity I needed, and for this I express sincere gratitude for her invaluable assistance. The interaction felt like a conversation with a trusted aunt—someone who truly understood me." — Sophia A., Queens, NY

  • Gifted Medium...

    "Dorothy is a very gifted intuitive and medium. She has helped me through the death of my grandmother (with messages from her with love from the other side), her card readings are extraordinary, and her intuition is legend. She is deeply connected to heavenly wisdom and she will give you messages and direction that will help you be successful and healthy and happy." -Anonymous.