Collection: Tourmaline

Explore the profound world of tourmaline, a gem celebrated in spirituality. Black tourmaline establishes a robust connection to the Earth, fostering stability and security. Renowned for protection, it shields against negative energies, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic radiation, acting as a vital barrier.Green tourmaline, known as Verdelite, emerges as nature's premier healing crystal for the physical heart, channeling electrical energies and inspiring kindness and compassion.Pink tourmaline becomes a beacon of relief for anxiety, stress, and depression, offering healing for heart-related issues. It unfolds as a stone of love, compassion, emotional healing, and self-love.Watermelon tourmaline radiates light, love, and rejuvenation, infusing joy, happiness, adventure, daily energy, self-love, and confidence when embraced or carried. Elevate your essence with the diverse energies of tourmaline.

Crystal Prescription Sessions $50.00

No two crystals are the same, just like no two people are the same.

If u r not feeling called to a specific crystal, Dorothy offers a “Crystal Prescription Session."

Designed to pair the perfect crystal to your vibratory needs

Set up a call with Dorothy, let her see if this is the crystal for you.